Tag Archives: Simi Valley hair salon

Dear Brig….

Wanted to share this Facebook conversation in hopes to help others solve a similar hair dilemma!
Between Briana Diane Villate(Florida) & I.
Hi Brig I was wondering if you could help me with an issue I’m having with my hair. So my hair is curly but I roller set it and then blow it [...]

BRIG’S EYE VIEW Premiere! Episode #1

Fun Facts:
This entire webisode produced, directed, filmed & edited by: Todd Jones of 303 Post
Episode 1 filmed in one 8.5 hour day!
2p.m.- Riley agrees to makeover & I eat an entire double cone of Pink Bubblegum.
2:30-5p.m.- I brig out her clothing
5:30-8p.m. – I brig out her hair.  It was a lot of [...]

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