Tag Archives: healthy hair

#1 Dry Hair Causing Culprit is……

Tap water.  Yes, that simple.  Tap water.  You know, the water you bathe in.  It comes streaming innocently out of your shower head and if you are one of a HIGH percentage of people, your water is “hard”.
This definition comes from Hardwater.org:
Water described as “hard” is high in dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium. [...]

My Summer Hair Saving Tips

My summer hair tips “As Seen On TV” on Saturday July 24th’s Today in LA:

1. Always wet hair using tap water or a spray bottle prior to getting into a non salt water pool or jacuzzi. (The water will add a bit of a cushion between your hair and the chemical filled water aiding in [...]

Avoid Hair-B-Que

Healthy flat ironed hair
Dear Brig,  Is it bad to flat iron my hair?
Flat ironing can be bad for your hair. You should invest in a good flat iron. You are looking for a ceramic plated iron (distributes heat evenly) with a temperature dial. Always keep your iron under 375 degrees to avoid burning off [...]

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