Monthly Archives: July 2008

Keep It Growing

Dear Brig,
I am growing out my hair, but it isn’t getting longer. Why not? 
Have you been getting the ends trimmed approximately every 12 weeks? This is so important. If you do not get it trimmed thinking it will just grow long you will be disappointed when it doesn’t get longer. Once you have split ends [...]

Finding Your Next Stylist

Dear Brig,
I love my stylist, but I am moving across the country. How do I find a new stylist I can trust? 
There are many ways that you can find a new stylist in your new city. You can log onto, or and search using your zip code. I also love where [...]

Shampoo For You

Dear Brig,
Is there really a difference between a $4.99 bottle of shampoo & a $20 bottle? 
Of course, $15.01. Alright, all joking aside, there is a big difference. Often the $4.99 product has attracted you through a lot of fancy advertising using those super long hair models. You know the ones I am talking about. The hair [...]

Going From Light to Dark

I have blonde hair and am tired of all the attention. I want to go dark. How long will it last?
I strongly suggest that you do some serious thinking before making this change. The first reason is because it can be impossible to return your hair to blonde if you tire of the change. Light [...]

Quick Dryer Tips

Dear Brig,
I bought a new dryer and it has a bunch of extra stuff that came with it, do I need all of it?
You should always use an attachment while working with your new dryer. A couple of items you might have received with your dryer are: a concentrator nozzle & diffuser. Always use the [...]

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