Tag Archives: p!ay

My Yellow Hair….

After 9 weeks of Shear Genius airing, my yellow hair has been a topic of much conversation.
I want to take a minute this beautiful sunny California Sunday morning to answer your questions….
What color was your hair before yellow?
I have had many throughout my life… I was born a red head and with age [...]

Brig’s Budget Bang with singer/songwriter Nina Storey

Meet Nina Story..
I heard Nina’s music before I met her. I was blown away by her talent. I wanted to be a singer when I was a young girl, but my talents do not lie in that area. We had an instant admiration for each other from the second we [...]

Gray Kinda Far Away!

Lets be real!  I can find a bazillion makeovers on women under 25, but over that age it becomes more challenging.  I vow to help change that starting today!  My favorite type of client is the woman who is looking to modernize her hair.  I pride myself in an honest opinion, but also listening to [...]

Teen Makeover!

I remember being 15 years old like it was yesterday. My mom refused to take me to a salon to have my naturally red hair colored professionally, so I hit aisle 7 at Rite Aid and had at it myself.  Box color, Sun-in and every other horrible lightening agent I could get my hands on [...]

Recipe Rampage

I can be honest to a fault, so I must admit that this blog entry was inspired by my love of baking & recent viewing of the Julie/Julia Project.  Great movie! Sorry style, you are shelved for this post……
It is 12:36a.m. on December 24th.  I finished at p!ay today and came home and took a [...]

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