Monthly Archives: September 2008

Swimmer’s Hair

Dear Brig, I am on my schools water polo team and my brown hair feels weird when I get out of the pool. Why?
The chemicals used to keep the pool beautiful are being absorbed by your hair. It probably feels squeaky. I recommend always pre-wetting your hair with tap water prior to getting in the [...]

Avoid Hair-B-Que

Healthy flat ironed hair
Dear Brig,  Is it bad to flat iron my hair?
Flat ironing can be bad for your hair. You should invest in a good flat iron. You are looking for a ceramic plated iron (distributes heat evenly) with a temperature dial. Always keep your iron under 375 degrees to avoid burning off [...]

Semi permanent or permanent?

Dear Brig,
        This summer I used a “semi permanent” color on my hair but it is not coming out.  What can I do to get rid of it?  Why is it still in my hair?

Oh yeah, many people are all too familiar with this scenario.  Depending on the condition of your hair, whether it [...]

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