Kitchen BEFORE
Hi Everyone!
Thank you for your patience. I have been away from my blog. I have been traveling the country, catching up at p!ay hair lounge & busy renovating my new home. It has been a HUGE amazing year for me. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful friends I have surrounding me & helping me through all of the incredible challenges that have presented themselves this year. I have some awesome projects on the horizon that I will be kicking up, just as soon as I get my personal belongings unpacked. As of the current moment, my entire wardrobe (trust me when I admit, it is out of control) is bagged up in my dining room, my make-up is…somewhere? Shoes are askew & my wonder cat Tsar, aka Mister Cat is climbing onto my keyboard purring in approval of his new home and backyard. I have become a resident of the rad community of Lake Balboa, CA. My heart and salon remain in Simi Valley, but it was time for me to center myself a little closer to “the action” (aka “La La Land) & airports. Yes, “like gag me with a spoon”, I am now an official VALLEY GIRL. I am in the middle of transforming my 2nd bedroom into the backstage of a theater. You know, wardrobe area, costume/sewing space & of course vanity complete with light bars. It is turning out sick, but nowhere near time for me to reveal it to you yet. I promise to post before and afters once my vision is complete. I must go now to literally dig out something to wear… I am headed to E! Entertainment to film 3 episodes of Style Star. I only hope I can walk in with 2 matching shoes. At this second, that task seems impossible…… Stay up to date with me by tuning into my as I post very raw videos as I learn new tricks while working on my home, including “How to track a critter” Seriously! brig

Kitchen color ideas... Could these all work together? Do I dare try?
Wow, you have open beam ceilings! When I lived in Corona del Mar (1960s) my house had the same. Your house has good bones, Brig-
okay so i adore you. i caught up with shear genius season 3 (late…ahah but i did finally see it) and i fell in love with your work and who you are. i am a hairstylist also and you have become my hair role model.
my aunt and i are doing a cross country road trip from alabama to oregon this coming may and i told her i want to go to p!ay hair lounge and have Brig do my hair! so i will get to met you soon. you truly are an artist and dont take this the wrong way but (the “weird” girl like me
so i adore you more.
cant wait to meet you and thank you for the inspiration. <3